Built in 10 days for the Pixel Game Jam! 

Explore the farm of Tityrus and Amaryllis in Latium outside Rome in 27 BCE. Click to talk to the characters and to move. WASD works too. 

Based on the Eclogues and Georgics of Vergil and De re rustica by Columella. 

The characters have memory (based on each session currently, but will persist over time). Talk to them and they'll sing to you, fall in love with each other, and take care of the island.

Also check out other farms:

Ancient Egyptian Farm - Kheti and Tiy

Ancient Greek Farm - Lycidas and Simaetha

Ancient Maya Farm - Hunahpu and Xbalanque

Feedback appreciated! I started this during the Pixel Game Jam https://itch.io/jam/-pixel-game-jam-2024 and will continue to build it.  


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